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AVIarts Ltd. development services for mobile and handheld devices

AVIarts has specialized experience developing Flash and Flash Lite content for mobile devices such as phones, portable media players, PDAs and Sony Play Station Portable (PSP). Using Flash Lite, AVIarts can help bring your branded content the mobile market place in compelling and innovative ways. Please get in touch if you would like more information about AVIarts mobile development services.

Flash Lite Mobile Development Examples

Read the AVIarts blog for news and editorial on the Flash Lite mobile market place. Also take a look at recent articles written by AVIarts about procuding mobile content.

About Adobe Flash Lite

Flash Lite is Adobe's optimized version of Flash for mobile devices, bringing the rich media and data integration features of the Flash platform to mobile phones and consumer electronics devices. Flash Lite is quickly gaining marketshare supporting Nokia, Sony Ericsson and Windows Mobile phones world wide and Verizon BREW phones in the US, and is an effective platform for many types of mobile content such as data driven applications, dynamic screensaver/wallpaper content and casual games.

Flash Lite devices