WP Inline Comment Errors plug-in
Default required field mark
Typically WordPress will require that a user properly complete the author, email and comment fields of the comment form. To help users know that these fields are required the plug-in will automatically display the standard asterisk required field mark to the right of the form element label for these three fields.

Standard asterisk required field mark
The plug-in generates the following HTML for the required field mark.
If you uncheck the ‘Comment author must fill out name and e-mail’ option in the Discussion Settings, then the plug-in will not display the asterisk required mark for the author and email fields. The plug-in will still display the required mark for the comment field.

Discussion settings for author and email field
Note that without any configuration, the plug-in only generates a required field mark for the WordPress default fields; author, email and comment. It will not alter the code for any other field. You must modify the coding that generates the HTML for other fields to include your desired required field mark.
The plug-in can add a required field mark to the comment form website/URL field but you must add a validation function for this field so the plug-in will know to add the required field mark.
If your site uses a theme or another plug-in that significantly alters the WordPress generated HTML for the author, email or comment field then the plug-in may not be able to add/remove or alter the required field mark.
You can disable the required field mark, create your own required mark and make other alterations by using the plug-in functions. Review the links in the sidebar for more information.